Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Please post general questions/comments for candidates here under "comments".


  1. Hello candidates! Thank you for your interest in joining the UAPCS board. I am excited for each of you!
    My question to you all is; What expertise or knowledge do you bring to the association that you see is needed to help the Charter school movement go forward?

  2. 1. Organizational Leadership

    I have many years of experience in organizing, motivating and educating groups of people to unite behind common goals and missions of various causes. I have founded and/or led a variety of different groups including City Youth Councils, Community Associations, political legislative districts and more. UAPCS has an impressive membership composed of parents, students and educators. These stakeholders can be inspired by the mission of the charter movement in order to become powerful advocates for options that best meet the needs of our students. Technology can be used to connect and unite all parties.

    2. Press and Media Savvy

    I invite you to take a peek at the high number of national and local newspaper, magazine, radio and TV spots about the Open High School of Utah in the past year. (www.openhighschool.org) My goal would be to see positive charter press on a consistent basis by issuing press releases and showcasing the innovative practices all charters are engaged in every day. Positive press can also include consistent messaging to debunk popular myths about charters. (Did you know charters are public schools?)

    3. Political Involvement

    I have been involved in the political process on a very granular level, beginning with a boundary issue being resolved by a change in statute during a special session in 2007 to campaign finance reform in 2008 and several other pieces of legislation. I have good relationships with multiple legislators and would not have a learning curve in this arena as I advocate for charter-friendly legislation.

    My expertise and experience in each of these three elements will be critical to the success, and even existence of, the charter movement! An informed and mobilized membership coupled with positive articles about charters can help inform policy and drive public perception, which will ensure a healthy, growing movement that exists to benefit students!

  3. Kim, thanks for your question. I encourage people to read my resume posted on the blog, but as a brief list, I bring the following:
    -Key relationships with movement, political, and media leaders
    -Experience as a teacher, principal, business manager, and charter board member
    -Institutional memory of the Association's history, challenges, policies, budgets, and promises
    -Intimate knowledge of the challenges faced by schools across the state
    -A proven track record of building consensus and getting things done.

  4. I have been involved in public education for the past 20 years. During that time I have been a classroom teacher, an active PTA mother, charter school advocate and the director at John Hancock Charter School. I have been an active charter school advocate for the past 10 years here in Utah and during that time I have built valuable relationships nationally, at the state level, and locally to help the charter school movement. I have served on multiple educational committees representing charter schools and I am always working to improve and increase the opportunities for our students, parent, and staff.

    I have the institutional knowledge of all charter school legislation for the past 10 years. I have been at every legislative session and appropriate interim meetings to ensure charter schools are fairly represented and considered when decisions are being made.

    I also have the unique skill set of being a charter school founder,a founding UAPCS Board member, a director running a successful charter school for the past 9 years and a former Utah State Charter School Board member. I have learned valuable information in each of these positions and each position has prepared me to be a better UAPCS Board member.

  5. I would appreciate each candidate's response to the following two (2) groups of questions:

    (1) What should be the Association's focus? What should our goals be and how should we measure our success?

    (2) What is one (1) thing you would like to see accomplished by the Associate during your tenure on the board? How would you assist in accomplishing this?

    THANKS to each of you for offering to serve and your willingness to use your expertise to further our cause.

    ~ Rick Kempton ~

  6. Kim asked the question: What expertise or knowledge do you bring to the association that you see is needed to help the Charter school movement go forward?
    I have noticed over the past 3 years at National Conferences in D.C. and also in the conference I presented at last week in Ohio that there seems to be a movement with charter schools and traditional public schools to share the same resources, help each other with ideas and direct children to the best educational institution that meets the childs needs. I can help our Charter movement in the state move towards better cooperative practices that will be a win-win situation for those involved because I have worked for 16 years in the traditional public schools, and for the past 6 years in a charter school. I know how to associate with many different educators because of my experience as a teacher, a counselor, and as an administrator in the K-16 schools. I believe in being fair, playing by the rules and being transparent in my everyday activities in order to maintain relationships built on trust. I believe this is needed in order to build cooperative practices that will assist charter schools and traditional public schools work together to benefit the children of Utah.

  7. Rick asked these questions:1) What should be the Association's focus? What should our goals be and how should we measure our success?

    The UAPCS is an association made up of member schools who are then represented by the UAPCS board. I believe it would be in the best interest of the board to ask the members what they would like. Last spring the board sent a needs survey for input into what the members would like, I feelt hat was an important step to take, so now the board can focus on what the members are requesting.
    One way to measure the sucess of the board would be to create a goal at the beginning of the year, based on members input. Let the members know of the goal and then each month or quarter report on the steps towards reaching the goal. At the end of the year, an on-line survey using "survey monkey" or "Qualtrics" can then be distributed to members for them to respond on how the they feel the board has progressed towards the goal. If the board in not being successful according to the member comments they should "monitor and adjust" in order to better serve the members we represent.

    (2) What is one thing you would like to see accomplished by the Associate during your tenure on the board? How would you assist in accomplishing this?

    Over the past few months in our member meetings, we have seen how important it is to communicate well. I appreciate the UAPCS boards efforts in creating a more open communication process thus far, as they have posted by-laws, created groups for members to participate in as they develop the by-laws, and also monthly reports given at our meetings. I would like to continue to build upon communicating with the members by posting the minutes of meetings and informing members who may want to voice their opinions in board meetings understand how to do so in a productive manner.

    Besides opening up communication with our board, I also think it is imperative to continue to create positive, open communication with all educational institutions as we assist students throughout their educational experiences as they progress from "cradle to career".

  8. Rick,

    Thanks for your question. I think the answer to your two questions are the same. That is, what I think the Association should focus on is the same thing that I intend to help it accomplish during my term. Please see my original post for a broader view, but I think the most important are:

    1. Mobilize the army of charter school parents into a statewide network that can help us move public opinion and public policy, and
    2. Develop a closer and supportive relationship with individual school directors and school boards across the state.

    Hope I can have your support.

  9. Rick-

    The strength and success of any organization depends largely on a well-defined vision and mission that the membership is aware of and in agreement with. I support the current UAPCS mission "to promote and support quality public charter schools for Utah children" through "leadership, collaboration, credibility and results", the values UAPCS has already defined.

    The focus should be on the elements of the mission and the values. Goals, objectives and measurements should be set for how to accomplish each of the four values, and I see that as a whole board exercise.

    As for your second question, I invite you to view my bio and also my first post that articulates what I would like to see happen and how I am qualified to help accomplish those goals.



  10. Rick,

    I think we need to remember that we are educating children and they should always be our focus. Therefore, anything the association focuses on should be to support schools in their efforts to educate students.

    We should measure our success by continually monitoring the satisfaction of our member schools. Are we helping them do their jobs? Are we providing valuable services?

    I also want us to embrace our differences. Each school is unique for a purpose. We all have specific and unique goals and programs. This is our greatest strength. We need to let our differences unite us in our cause to advance public education for all students. I would like us to have a united voice so we can be a powerful force for our students. I feel I can help accomplish this by continuing to build relationships, serve on educational committees, be present at important meetings and represent charter schools as an important arm of the public education system in Utah.

  11. I commend every single candidate for being willing to serve as a board member and to step up to take on more responsibility in moving the charter movement forward. Regardless of the results of the election, the new board members will have my support and best wishes.
